Per Unit Per Month Pricing on C2

Matthew, C2 has a pricing issue with reputable vendors of similar sites.

If I was able to charge a differential subscription fee for contracts over the model, I’d be more apt to post systems here. Basically, if I’m able to charge subscribers based on quantity traded, particularly, per unit per month charges where a unit is defined as the quantity needed to trade the minimum amount required for the system. Note that I’m not asking to know exactly how much, but for a multiple of units traded as defined by the vendor.

I’m trying to find a better way for C2 to do business, because essentially without per unit per month pricing C2 vendor’s underprice themselves by unfathomable amounts or overprice themselves out of the market. If it were possible to define c2 trading units for each system, then it becomes much easier to price systems than if you don’t have that capability as a vendor.

I’d like to be able to charge based on units traded before I post any more systems on C2, so please take my suggestion into consideration to add “per unit per month” subscription rates so that vendors can charge more optimal prices to customers without pricing themselves from too many subscribers or undercharging large traders for the use of their subscription rate.

If we could define this quantitatively as what constitutes a unit, the pricing mechanism would be more fair for the vendors and also to customers who will free ride by trading excessively 1 system signal that may be a lot more than the quantity of units traded by the vendor’s system. I need to be able to charge a consistent price, and the only way I can do that is to identify smaller, less capitalized subscribers than larger, well capitalized subscribers. I wouldn’t have to worry about charging too high a rate and not getting enough subscribers, than charging too low a rate and letting larger traders oversubscribe to my strategy and allocating a lot more to my system than the unit rate I priced my model for.
