Real broker fill on TOS

does the list of fills under “real broker fill” on a TOS system including the leader or not ?

just trying to see if the first line on each trade is always the leader or not.

I assume you are talking about this stuff:

As you can see with this one the first line is not always or is not the only line for the trade leader.

Since I’m not a leader. When I pull up that list, is the leaders trade also listed there or only subs?

If the leader buys 1000 shares of Apple, if it’s TOS no need to listed on the detail, but I can’t tell if the list including the leaders trade or not.

Thanks for the response

When I check those same trades while I am not logged in it shows the exact same except there are no highlights showing the trade leader, but those transactions are still listed. Everything is the same order too. Those were from

Just out of curiosity what makes you interested in the question? Just trying to see if a leader is getting a better deal than subs?

Just wondering what their bids are and seeing type of subs scaling.

Was comparing if a 25k/50k TOS system have a bunch sub scaling at 10% or 100% vs a 500k TOS system and if their subs also sub at 10% or 100%.

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