"Volatility trader" trading result

Yes, 25% margin is an intraday margin, but in this case you hold the position for several days till 18th, that surprised me.
I took May 14th from C2 trades table. Looks like options expiration and stock assignment were performed by C2 on this day, probably shifted from 13th. Maybe this is C2 <> IB sync issue.

I never had margin issue from c2 or IB before. Sync issue is mostly from partial fills. Where I want to write 30 calls. If Only 15 gets filled. C2 will fill 15 instantly then sell those back instantly also. Then when I get all 30 fill, they will fill the order again and keeps it for all the auto traders. But this issue has mostly fixed.

I can look into the 13th or the 16th statements more. I don’t know what happen on the 14th. But I understand why you are asking.

IB can’t get me intraday excess margin or margin figures on May 13th/16th. Here is the acct figures on 16th. Day after the expirations.

Maybe it might answer your questions?

Ok so who here has been 100% auto trading this strategy, how is the slippage trade copying quality? I keep reading about duplicates, trades not being copied, ect.

Just check auto trade details. Easiest to see slippage and see trade price.

My personal opinion i havent had much slippage in stocks or etf. I see some minor slippage on writing options, prob around 5 cent to 10 cents. Only had 1 big slippage was 2 week ago with wday. Had a 50% slippage compare to the developer .

Yes I saw that trade.

Thank you for the info. Now it is clear.

Also it seems like the options make up a large part of the strategy, so if you disable options you will be cutting out a lot of the performance.

this trade WDAY Aug26’16 69.5 put call was over 50% slippage for some, .26 some people filled at .05

Can you post a screen shot? I got filled at .20, everyone else lowest is .19

Sorry I copied the wrong trade: it’s WDAY Aug26’16 69.5 put the order was for .26 some got filled at .05

I can’t post pictures won’t let me, just look at live trades it’s there.

Ok. Thats what i just said on my prev post. I had a really bad slippage on WDAY.

So you didnt read my post before replying

I read it, it was in small letters thought you meant Wed or something lol. How often has this sort of slippage happened? And how did that trade end up for you? profit or loss compared to dev?

I got only .20 or something like that. Don’t remember the exact amount. He send out an email explaining what happened. He said he got 0.50.

Everyone profited that trade i assume. Since it expired worthless. But some of us profited .35, some just 0.05. I got somewhere in the middle. Depend on where you are in line and some luck, rather you got fill early or late thru c2. I cant recall the last time we had this bad of a slippage.

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Can anyone give an update? Been watching it but see a drawdown on volatility and simple. Simple is showing 35% loss this month. Any feedback is appreciated.

we been long XIV or short UVXY on those strategies. due to account size growth, positions are also much larger than starting out. so we are getting hit for by the massive vix spike from friday and today. when the trade go against you, % of DD will also multiply by account size growth. both of those strategy are metrics driven, so when its time to flip over we will long UVXY/VXX instead.

im in both. more money in Simple vix, because i cant find tvix to short with etrade. we took a big drop on friday, got half of back on yestereday then today’s big drop. Im back to Brexit balance.

We survived brexit, so hopefully we will survive this sell off also. sucks for brand new subscribers that just joined and didnt get any gains from prev months like i did. so thats gotta hurt.

Thanks for responding. I’ll pass. Best of luck to you.

Hi VixTrader,
Can you please explain the W trade from beginning to end that looks like it began on 8/13/16 and ended on 9/17/16? I’m not clear on how the trade unfolded and culminated from the presentation of the trading record. I’m not asking about the reasoning, just the trades in the order that they occurred.
Thanks : )

we sold W 40 naked put on 8/8/16. W went below 40, we got assigned the shares of 2500 shares at $40. From 8/13 thru out last week. we sold 25 covered 40 call each week to collect premium around 0.4 to 0.5 each week. Last week W went over $40. our shares got assigned away from the 9/16 40 Call. We bought W for $40, and sold the W back for $40. we broke even on the trade, but collect premium on writing puts and calls 5 times.

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Man, great execution. It takes some guts, patience/time, and obviously some “backup” $$$ to do this, but awesome job on this (wish it was all this easy all the time).