Commissiona ans slippage


It looks like some of the systems do not account for commissions and slippage.

If i’m right I think this is not good.

You should require that each trade has a reasonable amount deducted for commissions and slippage as this can often make the dufference between a winning and losing system. Especially, of course, the short term systems that trade a lot.

Without this data the results are basically misleading.

Re: "It looks like some of the systems do not account for commissions and slippage. "

Since C2 determines the prices and reports the trades I’m not sure why you say “some”… as far as I know none of the systems account for commissions or slippage nor could they unless C2 did, in which case it would be all not some.

Uhhmmm…I think some do actually

Some report way too low and some don’t.

I deleted another message that was here.

(Don’t post URLs that contain session=xxx numbers.)


Sorry about that - my message was ----

That I think some systems do report an element for commsions - the CoinCollector 40 min in futures seems to take some account of commissions.

Speaking only for forex, our trades do take into account the spread.(which is our only cost)

We buy at the offer price and sell at the bid price and there is a spread between the two figures.(usually about 3 pips on major crosses)

This is the only cost of placing trades in forex and it is therefore fully reflected in our net results here on C2.