Drawdown & Risk measure (Descriptive text)

A minor issue, but it makes much more sense for the descriptive text of the Drawdown & Risk value (Extreme, High, Low, etc) to be a function of the account’s value rather than (I’m assuming here) the eventual profit of the trade.

I just don’t see how a max drawdown of $500.00 on a $100,000.00 can be rated “Extreme”, as is sometimes the case as things currently are.

This is exactly how the drawdown ratings currently work. Drawdown Risk is a function of the drawdown as a percent of the account value at the time of the drawdown. It has nothing to do with the eventual trade profit (or loss).

For MK !

But then for the system mentioned how can it be that an Intra day drawdown be

Normal with 1300 while extreme with 1200

Extreme with 1200 while very high with 3300

High with 1520 while extreme with 1200

Very High with 3300 while extreme with 1200

Normal with 1550 while high with 1520

High with 2600 while extreme with 1200

and many more examples in the same system.

Something strange. Isnt it ?



Welcome to C2! The world seems to get stranger as time passes by. Somebody already commented that this (intra-day open drawdown feature) is a quaint feature, and I happen to agree with them. You are the third one who said it.

It is supposed to level the playing field between the day-trading systems and longer-term systems, but instead it debases all systems equally…

ps: If virtue consists in recognizing how vicious a system/method is, then true virtue is impossible for a system/method. The good systems/methods would then give up the exacting ambition to be good and other systems/methods would give up any hope of reform. This would in turn lead to self-abasement of all and centuries old rule of immorality. This is the price one has to pay for defying reality…

It could very well be that some of your own IDD have been incorrect.

It remains that data and IDD on e-minis Indices are mostly correct at C2.

I would then rather prefer to get an answer from MK , because on the Keystone ER2 system, the account value moved relatively sideway (max. $ 7k from top to bottom - using the EOD value) and the numbers I showed in my previous message were based on the IDD of Keystone ER2 compared to MK explanations.



Dear Christina,

I symphathize with you. My first trade didn’t go to well either. It took Collective2 2.5 hours to post the trade and the e-mini SP had moved 3 points in that period. I got Michael to correct the price with an explanation that the data feed was down.

With regard to your specific observation about drawdowns. I looked through your trades and it appears that Collective2 system is recording a range based on % of portfolio. 1% drawdown approximates “Normal” where a 2% drawdown approximates “High” and so on. There is one aberration in one of the trades which shows a drawdown, but no rating which is peculiar. Anyway, the point being is it is prudent to watch your account and report any discrepencies.

I did find something of interest though just by chance. If you right click on the drawdown number - a window pops up with the details as to why the amount of the drawdown exists. I wonder what else little goodies I can find on this system, because there doesn’t seem to be a user manual on the various functions of the platform.

Which brings me to the last part. I have been on a variety of “simulated trading platforms” before, along with Sungard Futures Contest back a few years. Even the Sungard platform had its problems with data and they were “piggy backing” into the live data that they had for their managed accounts. Errors will occur with a live broker, so the burden of account maintenance is always going to fall on the trader.

All in all, I feel that Collective2 has a good business model. There just may be some software gliches that will be corrected as time passes. So far Collective2 has responded to my inquiries promptly.
