How Do I set the Maximum scale percentage to 100% for My Subscriber

Hi, Just need some help.

How Do I set the Maximum scale percentage to 100% for My Subscriber?.. Is there any setting for trade leaders to set that?

Please help if you know.

That is an interesting feature idea. I don’t think it currently exists.

I’m interested in that, too.
I think it’s unfair for others to be able to scale 500%, while keeping the subscription price as 100%.
The scale of 500% affects the execution price for subscribers who have 100%.
There is a limit to the maximum traded size of futures.
For example, I can trade a maximum of 10 contracts per futures.
For me it is better to have 10 subscribers with a scaling of 100% than 2 with 500%.
I get paid per subscriber. Payment for the strategy does not depend on the scaling.
Enter a surcharge for scaling.
All subscribers should be on an equal footing.
Scaling should not decrease trader’s revenue.


Suggestion: Just reduce your own high leverage by a factor of 10.
This will reduce your subscribers high amount of open Options.

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Would you reduce the subscription price if someone is scaling less than 100%. What would you prefer the price to be when someone scales it to 25%?


good one. :slight_smile:
i bet he will come up with the reason why the price should not go down for any scaling.

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If you follow through with the 25% scaling, I will offer you a discounted coupon payment.
Payment for the strategy must be in full compliance with the stated model of following.