Is the market near a top?...with big data

We are testing out an indicator, featured on youtube, known as the Babson Reversal Line.
As I write this the vxq7 is at 11.13 if it goes below 11.04 today and reverses…this is something to watch…in terms of a reversal.
Also watching 144 in IWM

Full disclosure…i will not be trading it.

Market top, heh, heh, heh. Good one. How many times haven’t I heard those two words these past few years…:wink:

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So true…however the last short term top the Babson Reversal Line picked…lasted about 2 weeks.

Hi what about getting in the EU markets that can help.

S&P 500 appears to be ready for a minor correction down. Also a larger pattern has formed starting on 4/11 which could indicate more than a minor correction. That pattern completed today and appears to have given a sell signal. As I have said before. during strong trends the market often ignores natural cycles, but I the signal is there and there should be at a minimum, a small move down.


The system R Option and R Option Mini are lowering risk at current levels. The Mini Version had a great month recovering the last draw-down. R Option Mini - R Option Mini had an exceptional Month and is above 20% YTD.

The issue is that nobody can know the future with certainty. You can have all the indicators but in the end there are just that indicators that give you a result on past events. I have found that fund flows can give you a guide to future price action.

Here is what happened

The chart here is a few weeks old…and an earlier contract.