Needed "Hot List" -- "Realistic"?

Again, I have nothing but the best to say about this sight.

That said, there isn’t a single useful “Hot List” for the average trader.

We want to know what is tradeable in the real world, with commissions and realism factors included.

Matthew, I understand you have to keep everything hypothetical, and can’t call it “Best Actual Results” or somesuch.

It’s a little silly though, as I click through all the “Hot Lists”, MAYBE 2 out of each top 10 belong on that list after viewing each with commissions and realism factor included.

In several cases, the top system in a “Hot List” is NEGATIVE after slippage and realism factor. How useful is that?

Sorry to reply to myself, but I wanted to make my request was crystal clear:

Add a list or set of lists that measures things as you currently do, but adds RF and Commissions to the equations. That way I don’t have to wade through system after system that is garbage in real-world terms.


Sorry again, but I was still going through all the available “Hot Lists”.

NUMBER ONE in GRANDMA’s list is “testy test 2”.

Grandma is definately not taking her pills. Certainly C2 can represent things better than this?

This is not atypical, or I would just email an obvious ranking error for Matthew to fix. Rather, it’s typical – although this is an extreme example.

>That said, there isn’t a single useful “Hot List” for the average trader.

What did you expect? They are all based on false concepts.

>We want to know what is tradeable in the real world, with commissions and realism factors included.

Are you kidding? Then nobody would subscribe to any system at C2. Good luck there buddy. You are on your own.

>Matthew, I understand you have to keep everything hypothetical, and can’t call it “Best Actual Results” or somesuch.

Of course. That is how advertising works.

>It’s a little silly though, as I click through all the “Hot Lists”, MAYBE 2 out of each top 10 belong on that list after viewing each with commissions and realism factor included.

After including commissions and RF and P/L per unit figures, there will be none. How can C2 let that happen? It would be like saying that there are no good systems at C2.

>In several cases, the top system in a “Hot List” is NEGATIVE after slippage and realism factor. How useful is that?

What? We were hoping that you wouldn’t figure that out.

>Add a list or set of lists that measures things as you currently do, but adds RF and Commissions to the equations. That way I don’t have to wade through system after system that is garbage in real-world terms.

Fat chance. Then nobody would subscribe to any system at C2 because there wouldn’t be any hot system. Good luck there buddy. You are on your own.

>Grandma is definately not taking her pills. Certainly C2 can represent things better than this?

You are underestimating the Grandma. She is a genius for finishing the race without crashing and burning. Don’t you agree? I guess not. You say that you can do that yourself by parking your funds in a fixed deposit at a bank. Oh well…

The only way you are realy going to find good longterm systems here, is to educate yourself, follow some systems (free trials, whatever), ask a lot of questions on the forums, etc.

From what I have seen so far, only about 1 out of 10 systems that look pretty good AFTER slippage and commissions are going to do well for any length of time. Just because it has a good equity curve doesn’t mean it is profitable.

When hundreds of systems are tracked, some of them will look good for a few months out of pure luck. Out of 500 systems, 5 of them MUST be in the top 1% by definitition. If you take THOSE and follow them and they CONTINUE to perform well, then it is interesting.

One of the most common things I see here is “gee it looked good and I started to trade it, and it stopped working.” That is often because of this.

In addition, it may be wise to go through the previous posts on the Suggestions and Autotrade forums. A lot of suggestions have already been debated thoroughly. There is a treasure of information there if you ignore our hobby to attack each other personally. You will also learn who’s posts can usually be ignored :slight_smile: