I agree wit Pal on this one. I am still not able to make any sense as to what the % means in the drawdown calculation. I doubt that many subscribers will be able to figure this out for themselves. The number for the Worst open drawdown is useful but is so fraught of errors you have to take it with a grain of salt. Besides, it depends on the total size of that trade. In one trade with $39K of equity, it shows had a drawdown of almost $40K. The As % of eventual P/L is: 2163.4 %. Does this make any sense?
Like Pal, I will continue to focus on trading and ignore this quaint reporting system for now.
Bad quote errors will get ironed out.
Until the bad quote errors are ironed out (which may be never), I would warn viewers/subscribers that “Please ignore the Drawdwn & Risk column as it is fraught with bad quote errors rife with fallacies and prejudices to base any concepts on it.”, so as not to mislead them (to adhere to the honesty policy of C2). I would also mention this warning in the systems detailed description page.