Suggestion for Collective2

We need an instruction that probably is not yet inserted in the C2 orders.

Suppose we want to buy Nasdaq on opening at 1835 stop.

Now we have two validities:

Order good for the day

Order good till cancel

We would add: Order good today till: HH:MM

Suppose therefore that we can insert the clause Order good till 14:00

At 14:00, if the order is not yet open, the order itself is canceled and therefore not executed.

This is interesting because the orders for the day are often filled 5 or 10 minutes or half an hourt BEFORE the closing of the market, which can be not interesting, in particular if your scope is to close on close, and so there is not enough time to gain something.

Many thanks.

Interesting suggestion. I’ll add it to the To Do List. No Estimated Time to Completion as of yet.