I’ve adjusted how “rescaling” works: now, when you rescale a strategy’s Model Account downward, the historical subscription fees / autotrading cost are also rescaled downward, along with the Model Account size. This solves the problem pointed out by AlgoTeam and others - that, eventually, with continual rescaling, subscription fees would incorrectly be calculated to become a larger and larger drag on historical performance! So, at least this issue is solved. When you rescale, your relative performance doesn’t change due to subscription fee cost calculations.
For now, strategies with active BrokerTransmit connections (i.e. strategies that are driven by real-life brokerage accounts) are exempted from the Tradable Model Account policy.
I’ve received (via the help desk at help@collective2.com) several requests from strategy developers who have asked for exemptions from the Tradable Model Account policy. Some of these requests were granted. (Some are still being reviewed.) The general policy is: if you can explain why you absolutely need more than $125,000 in a Model Account to trade according to your style, we won’t ask you to change your style. On the other hand, if you’re trading onesies, twosies in a huge Model Account account, and leaving large amounts of Model Account capital unused, that is exactly the scenario we’re trying to avoid. The challenge is there is a large gray area between these two extremes. So please try your best to work within the new policy if you can do so without significantly changing your trading style.