Hi, I have a strategy, that has 2 parts. First one is looking for daily setup before opening. It scans all universe and takes -10-20 stocks for intraday trading. Second part finds setups and execute deals. So I have some questions:
1.is it possible to create strategy, that will work only on pre-selected stocks?
2.if I decide to make it public, how can you create hypothetical results?
3.Is it possible to make pre-secetion using Seetu?
You can create your list of symbols and use it then.
See following pictures.
Find symbols using a search box and select them (make them green):
Click “Save Selected Symbols” and give a name to your new list:
You can select it then and run your strategy:
Well, that’s a “manual” aproach which will not satisfy you…
Another option is to specify a list of symbols in the SetOption(“Symbols”,…) command:
(See https://collective2.com/seetudoc/setoption.html)
So - using what we have right now - you can run Scan or Exploration, get symbols list as CSV, format it (in Excel?) and modify the SetOption(“Symbols”,“AAPL,MSFT,INTC”) command in your code for the following Backtest run.
It is not ideal of course. We probably need a function which will select a list of symbols (based on your phase 1 logic) and store it as a list. And we need another function which willl select a list for calculations then.
If it makes sense at all…