A new fair autotrader charging model

Hello Collective2 user,

“Knowhow generates revenue, sustainability care is the success”, welcome to “HighEdge 4 SmallCaps”, the new strategy at Collective2.

It will be announced a new way of charching the monthly subscription fee, depending on the current YTD(year to date) performance:

0$ to 20%
50$ 20-40%
75$ 40-60%
100$ 60-80%
125$ 80-100%
150$ from 100% up

Try and follow “HighEdge 4 SmallCaps” the new performance revolution for everyone!

there is regulation against this, and c2 is not a performance fee based return entity and cant charge fee based on AUM. you can adjust change your fee on each monthly as you see fit.

hello, to avoid any misunderstandings, this is still the monthly fee, but it is defined according to the current YTD(year to date) performance, no fee to 20% YTD, with increasing the current YTD performance the monthly subscription fee will be increased, this also applies to the other direction, this is a new fair customer charging model, you are welcome.

Hello Collective2 users,

for easier handling it will be announced a update of charging the monthly subscription fee, depending on the current YTD(year to date) performance:

0$ to 25%
75$ 25-50%
100$ 50-75%
125$ 75-100%
150$ from 100% up

it is a fair charging model, you are welcome.

It’s the “performance” part that’s not in regulation. Now any performance you pay the a fee. Up or down. Big regulation difference between an etf/mufti all fund vs a 2/20 hedge fund.

Yeah, unfortunately you can’t word this like that.