The opinions expressed in these forums do not represent those of C2, and any discussion of profit/loss
is not indicative of future performance or success.
There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider
whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. You should read,
understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker
before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
In C2, all subscribers need to pay a fixed subscription fee. I think it creates the following problems:
Subscribers don’t know whether the strategy will perform well in the future, but they have to pay subscription fee because this is the only way for them to follow the strategy.
Some subscribers may invest lots of money while only paying USD 100. It may not be fair to traders.
Why don’t C2 just create new charging solutions:
Performance Fee%. If the subscribers invest 50K USD, we receive a fixed performance fee% monthly or yearly. If the strategy doesn’t make money, 0 performance fee.
Management fee%. If the subscribers invest 50K USD, we receive a fixed management fee% monthly or yearly.
Hybrid. Mix of the aforementioned charging solutions.
Yes. C2 wants to replace the entire hedge-fund industry, so I think some features should be provided. BTW, Matthew just answered, “This is not permitted in the U.S”, so this topic ends.
Would it be permitted if you only had Registered Investment Advisors publishing? If so I would love a second website that made that possible. Basically have C2 remain open to any trade leaders and have a second website that was only for registered advisors.
There was at one point a website that did that I believe, but it was bought out and I think shut down.