C2 cert and payments

Hi guys
Just want to ask. C2 states that if we become c2 certified, they guarantee 1,000 per month ??? That is still based on if you get subs?? How can that payment be guaranteed??.

Are you referring to this C2 webpage?

Yes, I am. If it takes time to get subs, and even more disciplined trading??? So I will still get 1000 per month, even though I have no subs???

There is a similar thread that talks about C2 Certification, here:

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So I will still get 1000 per month, even though I have no subs?


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Does C2 autotrade the C2Star systems to generate operational income, to be able to have such a generous payout?

I just looked at the C2Star Strategies list. First on an iPhone. I thought the icon of a star which was half colored was a poor choice. I saw many strategies listed, so I thought “it appears the C2Star system is valid and has many systems to choose from.” Then I viewed it on a desktop. When I hovered over the icon of the star which was half colored, a tiny question mark icon appeared, and when I clicked it, a popup revealed that strategies with the icon of a half-colored star are not officially “certified”, but they do meet the requirements.

So a few questions please:

  1. are these not certified because the trade leaders have not applied to the C2Star program and paid the application fee?
  2. there is a strategy named “Elvis…” whihc has a 0 day age, how can this be included in the list of strategies meeting the requirements? There are also a few in the list which have ages less than 60 days, which I thought was a requirement…
  3. When you view the history of the trades, and enable “view AutoTrade data”, and you click on the autotrade icon and it shows you 5 transactions thru IB, does that mean there are only 5 subscribers to that strategy? If it is earning 50% Annual Return compounded, how can there be only 5 accounts auto-trading it?
    Is there a lack of advertising / promotion of the strategy by the trade leader, or is C2 supposed to promote it, and at 50%, it is doing great, why are there not 1,000 subscribers following this system? Robinhood is attracting newbie traders like flies on turds, it seems that a system with this performance should be vacuuming in subs even more?