C2SYSTEMS table values

I retrieve the values from the C2SYSTEMS table and they seem to be off, relative to the values on the C2 UI (Statistics tab.)

Here is a sample record for the System TrendCounterTrend

{“SystemId”:105929505,“SystemName”:“Trend Countertrend”,“Added”:“2016-09-17T01:47:59”,“MonthlyFee”:60,“TrialDays”:30,“
OpenPositionsPL”:-1293, — on the UI -1717

-------- These I don’t understand. On the UI cash is 20392 and buying power is 18674. The UI (the chart) also says that total equity is 19,884. I would THINK
that ClosedPL + OpenEquity should be around 19,884. It is nowhere close. --------



“NumWins”:33, -------- UI says 32. Close enough, but sort of an indication that the UI works from a different dataset.


“AvgWin”:437.15, ---------- UI says 450.09
"AvgLoss":261.55} ---------- UI says 322.58