Precise (14 Rule) Stock Screener Applied to NYSE/Nasdaq Stocks.
Combining Strong Fundamentals with Technical Entry Timing.
Focused on Technology, Industrial, Utility and Healthcare Stocks Only.
U.S. Based Liquid Companies Only (No OTC’s, Pink Sheets etc).
Very Low Margin Used - Rarely Above 2x Leverage.
Backtested Since Dec 2008, Producing Avg 116.37%/Year Returns (Zero Margin).
Max Drawdown in Test Period: -12.99% (S&P Max DD Same Period: -27.43%).
Full 2008-2018 Backtest Data (Excel/PDF) is Available on Request (Pls Message Me).
(Note: Backtesting data is hypothetical and it has not been verified by C2. Forward trades published live since May 7th 2018 on the C2 platform are verified by C2).