Cash Position, where?

With the change in the web page layout, I am no able to find the button to access the “cash position” available. Previously, I would click on a “+” to access it but I don’t see that now. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

I have the same problem. Also per trade drawdown/risk were missing then they were back and now seem missing again.

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  1. Per-trade drawdown stats remain where they have always been.

  2. Back by popular demand, I have re-introduced the “Raw Model Account” values. These values were removed because they were, quite frankly, confusing (at least, they were to me); but I have received more hate mail about this single change than any other. So, in a spirit of love and reconciliation, I’ve brought the stats back. Now they are tucked away in the statistics tab, like this:

Hi. I’m having trouble understanding how you are defining cash.
My system’s (100314882) portfolio value is 178,974.
-> I currently own 5,512 shares of XIV priced at 31.26 (=$172,305.12).
-> I would expect my cash to be around $6,669.
-> Instead, cash is being reported at $62,891 (and buying bower at $119,593).

What am I missing?


In C2’s Model Account we need to use one single bucket of buying power to allow purchases (or short sales) or various asset classes. When you buy long $100 worth of stock, C2 decreases your cash by $50. (The other $50 is the effective leverage you are allowed; or to put it another way, you can buy 50% of your stock on margin.)

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Per trade drawdown stats are missing again.