Collective2 Satisfaction Survey

My name is Boris Abbey and I am a former trade system designer on Collective2 and I am currently a finance professor at Fayetteville State University doing research on trade system design. Myself and two colleagues, Dr. Moustafa Abu El Fadl and Dr. Kyungsub Choi are conducting a survey regarding user satisfaction with and we would appreciate if you could take the time to fill out the survey. All responses are confidential. Feel free to contact us if needed!

Survey Link:

Best Regards,

Boris Abbey, Ph.D.

Professor of Finance

Fayetteville State University

So by “the system” you mean C2? or a specific system?

Maybe it should say a system on C2 and also add I’m currently subscribed to a system on C2 in addition to your 7 questions.

It refers to the system you are currently subscribed to.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll get with my colleagues and see if they want to reword it.



I think the premise of your survey is flawed.

The most useful feature of C2 is that you can create your own hedge fund, so to speak, by creating a portfolio of several systems…

I trade quite a few and all together comprise my "favorite system", I would not want to trade just one single system by itself. As Kevin Davey has pointed out to me, if there is such a thing as a "Holy Grail" it is diversification of several uncorrelated systems.


I don’t usually respond to posts but that’s one of the most logical and intelligent replies I have seen on C2 in a long time.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll get my colleagues on this and get it fixed.


Thanks for the mention, Karl. Everyone who has an account big enough to diversify should definitely follow Karl’s wise advice.


This is Dr. Moustafa one of the designers of the survey. I agree with you that a portfolio of trading system is the way to go.

Our survey measure your satisfaction with the trading system you use. In other words if you are using one trading system then that covers it , on the other hand, if you are using multiple of trading systems then it refers to those trading systems. There is a question in the survey that asks how many trading system you use. Of course we can’t design a survey for each trading system you use, but we are looking for your satisfaction of the trading system concept in general.

I will reword the survey to reflect trading systems on C2 in general

Thank you for the feedback