Convert Test system to live system giving error

When I try to convert my test system to a live system I get an error saying do not have permission… What am I doing wrong?

ALSO How do i make my system free? If I put 0 in the box gives an error

Once you designate a system as a "test system," you will be allowed to return it to a "live" system, but only after erasing your trading record. In other words, any trades you make in a test system will never be visible to the public, even if you change your mind later and make the system a live system. You will need to erase your track record before turning a test system into a live system. Make sure you understand this restriction.

I understand this and have already erased the trades. It still will not allow me to change it. An error occurs whenever I try.

This is the error given:

Please log in again as the owner of system . Error code=,35991314


Which system are you trying to convert from test to live?

System ID: 50408036

Not sure if something was fixed, but just tried again and it worked fine.