Feedback on AutoTrading Integrity

Is anybody here currently using the AutoTrade feature of this website? Don’t want to be the site’s test guinea pig with my money … and would like to correspond with anyone who is actually using the system.

Am currently opening an account with … and would like to trade Dave Liu’s “Dave’s Goofiz ATM” system. Have emailed Matthew Klein but did not get a response. Have to admit that I’m becomming skeptacle if the site administrator doesn’t answer questions about the AutoTrade setup. From what I’ve read, not many here are using it … which also causes me to pause in my tracks.

Feedback would be much appreciated. I can be emailed directly at

Thank you,

Ken Wong

Don’t be too skeptical. I’ve just been overwhelmed with server admin. I will be writing to you privately by email, shortly. However, let me say that I have been autotrading with the latest version of TradeBullet software quite happily (using interactive brokers) and a combination of 3 different tradings systems – all with different scaling factors, etc.

The experience is amazingly impressive. There are some very cool fail-safes built into the Collective2 AutoTrade protocol, and TradeBullet is rock solid. But I will communicate with you offline shortly.



Could you also write to me about the autotrade? Thank you very much!

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the quick response to my question about AutoTrading. Sounds like you’re pretty busy at the moment so I understand you have priorities with the website.

Am encouraged to learn that you are using … yourself. Action speak louder than words. Was a little set back, however, after just reading John Garrity’s post about “daytrading pattern lockout”. I’d planned to open an account and initially fund it with $10,000 … AutoTrade Dave Liu’s “Dave’s Goofiz ATM” … and see what kind of returns are generated. Sounds like the $10,000/IB combo is just the set up that Garrity was having problems with.

Looking forward to any helpful info you can share.


Ken Wong

Hi Dave,

Am interested in AutoTrading your system. Have you corresponded with any C2 members who are subscribing to your system … and using the AutoTrade feature? If so, how are they doing?

The reason I ask is because your gains are impressive. But I can’t imagine keeping up with you in real time … unless the AutoTrade feature can successfully follow your trades in a timely manner.


Ken Wong

I know some member do use autotrade to follow my system. But I don’t know how they are doing. They are still subscribing to my system. So I guess they are doing well.

However I muse remind you that you need to do some other work to autotrade my system. For example, scale my trade, set some conditions, set some protection.

I also don’t think your autotrading of my system can exactly repeat my result. Think about this, $168/month for such a good system is too cheap? Maybe my system with $168/month is still very undervalued.

I’m not sure how one can get around the government-imposed day-trading restrictions.

IB is pretty strict about it.

I think it’s great though that the government treats us like children who can’t be trusted with our own money. I guess they figure we should trust them with our money.

Anyway, the only solution I see is to open an account with $25k.