Finding symbols lists on c2

Are there links to find forex pair and futures symbols ?


Are you able to use Google search?

Step 1: Open web browser to
Step 2: In search box, type the following: collective2 forex symbols
Step 3: The Collective2 Forex FAQ and Symbols web page will likely be the first result, so click on that link.

Happy trading!

In Step 2, substitute: collective2 futures symbols
in order to get the futures symbols list.

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I saw that the other day and figured it had to be wrong because many are not traded at IB.
I will modify the list and concentrate on the ones at ib because they offer good size.
I want my subscribers to get decent fills.



This list needs an update, a lot of already tradable Futures contracts on the C2 Web trader platform are nowhere to be found on the list, like the micro DAX index for instance, or the micro Bitcoin:

Yes but only the MINI copper exists on the C2 trading platform, not the micro.

And watch out, C2 has an unusual way of reporting the copper price.

For instance the C2 closing price of the E-MINI COPPER JULY 2022 ( @QCN22 ) is $373.8 (as of today June 24), while the REAL price is $3.7380.