Flatten/reverse only one position in portfolio


I’d like to use Strategy Access API to modify the quantity of just one position in the portfolio. Rather than setting all of the quantities of position as required in setDesiredPositions() , is there an alternative that will allow me to set the quantity for a single symbol and leave the remaining positions constant?

“apikey”: “XXX”,
“systemid”: “YYY”,
“positions”: {
“quant”: -1,
“symbol”: “@MNQZ3”,
“typeofsymbol”: “future”,

I have used submit a signal to the buy/sell into the strategy and it allows me to reverse a position that is open. However, sometimes, I have a trigger in my system that sends two buy signals in a row, but to specify the exact max quantity at all times.

“apikey”: “XXX”,
“systemid”: “YYY”,
“signal”: {
“action”: “STC”,
“quant”: 1,
“symbol”: “@MNQZ3”,
“typeofsymbol”: “future”,
“market”: 1,
“duration”: “GTC”,
“conditionalUponSignal”: {
“action”: “STO”,
“quant”: 1,
“symbol”: “@MNQZ23”,
“typeofsymbol”: “future”,
“market”: 1,
“duration”: “GTC”

