Graphic benchmarking of Strategy against a fixed interest rate of choice?

Dear C2 community!

Would it be interesting to be able to compare your strategy not only against S&P 500 but also against a customizable fixed interest rate of choice?

So, for instance if one has a profit target of 15% annually, to print the 15% fixed interest curve together with ones Strategy for benchmarking.

I am thinking if you like the idea, simply give this post a thumbs up and maybe if we are many enough it could be a planned for feature implementation by C2?

Yours Sincererly,



You can try C2 Data Explorer! :slight_smile:

Thank You for the tip @BobSvan2!

I would like to plot out the FutureVal a couple Years into the future, meaning that Futureval would be a larger dataset than Equity dataset, any ideas would be very appreciated.



(An equity line is in monthly intervals now.)

Happy hacking!

Thanks again @BobSvan2 I really appreciate your help!

Now I have a visualization of my strategy vs. the 18.92% interest-rate curve (double every 4 years).
