How do I find my system on the Grid?

This probably sounds like an obvious question, but how can I find my system on the grid? I’m concerned that if I can’t find it, nobody can. None of my enemies nor my potential subs will ever know we exist!

I sort annual return in descending order and look for systems in the 117% range and ours does not show up. The system is 4 months old so we should be visible. In fact, I’ve never been able to find ZigZagNorth in the grid anywhere. Even if I log in anonymously, it is still invisible. Has anyone else had this problem? I wrote Matthew about it via email and never heard back.

Might be something to do with number of trades? You’ve only had 5. I know for most of C2’s ‘best of’ lists you need to have made 8 closed trades, something like that, not sure if same rules for The Grid.

Sort by number of trades and you’ll see you need over 6 trades to get on there.

Wow, thanks. Never thought to look at that. Good catch. Soon we’ll have our 6th trade and can see the stats…