How to cancel an order based on conditions

Do you know how to cancel an order conditional on another order? For instance, I enter both Long and Short orders for E-mini S&P500. Once the Long order is activated. I want to cancel the Short order. How can I do that?vMany Thanks,

Hi, Zheng: I assume you are asking how to automatically cancel one order when another is executed. (Because, of course, if you mean to ask: How do I manually cancel an order, the answer is to click the Cancel link beside the working order.)

You want to look into One-Cancels-Another (OCA) groups. You can group as many orders as you like into an OCA group. When one is filled or canceled, so too are the rest of the orders in the group. There’s online help available on the Order Entry Screen to help you understand the OCA process.

Let me know if you have further specific questions.
