I was just reviewing the first page of the Leaderboard "Popular (All Instruments) and see that there are now well over 50 strategies on the Leaderboard that have been on C2 for less than 6 months. In fact, there are several on the list that have less than 2 months duration on C2.
There was a change about a year ago for this page of the Leaderboard, based on recommendations in the Forum, that only longer-term strategies should be included. The criteria used to be 3 months duration, which was then changed to at least 6 months on C2.
Why are there now numerous strategies with only a few months track record on the list? This will bump off many of the excellent longer-term strategies, because there is only a limited number of strategies displayed on the Leaderboard.
The strategies with less than a 6 month track record should be deleted, unless there was a valid reason for including brand new strategies on the Leaderboard that I am unaware of.