Why is it that, if my portfolio is at an all time high (167 Days) that is only registers as a new 37 Day high?
Hi, Thomas -
I think you’re talking about the “New Highs” section of the Collective2, and not the Leaderboard.
If so, then the thing to know about this section is that there’s a small amount of randomness in, first, which strategies are featured there, and second, which “new high” a strategy is labeled under. As you can imagine, a strategy that makes a 30-day “New High” (for example) might also qualify for the 99-day New High (although not necessarily).
So the “New X-Day High” label applied to a strategy is somewhat random… as is the fact that the strategy may or may not appear at all on any single day. The purpose of the New Highs page is to surface strategies that might not otherwise be visible, in a fun non-deterministic way, and to act as yet another discovery mechanism for strategies on C2.
It’s not meant to be an all-encompassing complete list of strategies that reach new highs, nor an exhaustive list of which new highs all strategies make.
I hope this helps explain the New Highs area a bit better. I admit this isn’t very clearly explained on the New Highs page.
Hi Matthew,
You are right, I was talking about the “new highs” section. I appreciate you taking the time to explain…sort of.
What I read was “small amount of randomness” & “somewhat random” & “non-deterministic”.
But can we agree that a strategy that is making all time highs going back over 6 months, 1 year or two years, shouldn’t be listed as making new 33 day highs?
Otherwise that entire section isn’t just “isn’t very clearly explained” it is misleading. For instance how long has Collective 2 existed? (I only became aware of it rather recently) Yet the leading stategies appear to be making new highs for thousands of day, several years in fact.
Based on what you’ve said, That whole page should bear a disclaimer saying
“what you read hear is random with regard to which strategies are listed and which aren’t, their stated rate of return and the number of days for which they are stated to be making new highs and has no relation to reality”.
Hi Thomas -
I appreciate when customers offer feedback, as it helps me understand what users like or do not like about C2.
But that does not mean I always will agree with every user’s opinion (which would impossible, once we had more than one user).
In this case: I don’t think the New Highs page is misleading or “has no relation to reality.” If a strategy happens to make a new X-day high, that is either a mathematically true fact, or not. (And when we display a strategy on that page, it is mathematically true.)
As a user of that page, and a customer of C2, you might of course wish that we only listed strategies under their highest X-day-new high, and that is a very valid feature request.
But I’ll need to politely disagree with your other conclusions, specifically that the page is misleading.
In any case, I appreciate the feedback, and hope you will find other aspects of C2 more to your liking.
P.S. To answer your other question, C2 was founded in 2001, over 20 years ago! I am personally 1,000 years old in Internet years.
Fair enough. Thanks Matt.