Mvp-3 system Bug on server?

I’m not clear by which criteria the system is placed at the third? place the best system on the grid. In addition, the constant is on the cover C2.

TRADES:Only 22 to 66 weeks! Every three weeks only one trade. So much for a trade almost monthly subscription of $ 39 with P/L per unit ONLY $1,16 !!!



P/L per unit:only $1,16

SHARPE:only 0.49

MAX DRAWDOWN: WOW! Almost -70%

It has to work on a bug on the server because this is impossible!

When you click on the grid the default setting is popularity.

At least that is how it use to work.

And that makes sense, since you almost always see MVP3 in the top most viewed list. With its popularity and the mostly glowing recommendations, it is like it has a cult following. There must be something that keeps people coming to a system that has a max drawdown 1.75 times its annual return (almost 70% drawdown, 40% annual return).

Interesting discussion, I suggest default ordering by other factor, maybe by profit factor?

Great point, Kevin.

Why don’t we ask the subscribers of MVP-3 why they are subscribing?

I’m a Customer - I’ll do it.

Surely there must be SOMEONE willing to discuss this. This would be a FABULOUS exercise.

Where would you suggest the best place to conduct this dialogue might be?
