My systems April number are wrong

My system Indices emini April ending balance is about $37200. So It should be up 32% for April.But my chart says up 27% for April.

My system Indices Trader April ending balance is about 35800. So It should be up 45% for April.But my chart says up 38% for April.

I also received C2 email weekly report, which gives Indices Trader +45.31% and Indices emini +32.05% for April:

Weekly summary of trading systems you are watching

Trading System Performance

Ann. Return (inception) Last 30 days Last 7 days

Indices Trader +25514.90% +45.31% +19.19%

Indices emini 0.00% +32.05% +17.86%

C2 please correct these errors and give my systems’ performance correct numbers.

The numbers are correct. You are neglecting to include commissions costs, which C2 includes.

My balance already reflect commissions costs.

Commissions are deducted upon each trade.Balance are the money left after each trade with commissions deducted.So how can balance still didn’t calculate commissions ?

Plus, my March Indices emini ending balance was $28180, and my chart show March Indices emini number is +40.9%,my March Indeces Trader ending balance was $ 24280,and my chart show March Indices trader number is +21.4%.So My March number are calculated quite different from the way my April number is calculated.

Also C2 email weekly report give +45% for indices Trader and +32% for Indices emini.How can you explain this?How can March number and email report are both wrong?

If you deduct commissions from ending balance before calculating monthly performance, you are deducting commissions twice.There are no any brokers doing it that way.

If I trade an account with a broker, ending balance is the money I can withdraw from my account.

Now you are saying I need to pay commissions before I withdraw my balance?

You are saying broker doesn’t calculate commissions upon each trade, but only calculate commissions whenever a trader want to withdraw balance?

Now I put my mouse on one of my executed trade, there is a message saying “includes MB trading commissions and autotrade fees of $11.80”.

Wang Wei - There is no other way I can explain this. When we calculate monthly results, we include commissions costs. You are asking me why your results do not look like you expect. The reason is that we include commissions costs in the results you are asking about. You have not included them in the percentage returns you think you should have.


About one hour ago, I did my account a 3:1 account rescale.

After resacle, my monthly performace figure are wrong again.

For my system Indices emini, April figure was +27%, after rescale, it becomes +16.8%.

For my system Indices Trader, March figure was 21%,April figure was 38%.

After rescale,March figure becomes 15.3%, April figure becomes 25.5%.

I post in this thread because in my previous posts a couple of days ago, I gave March and April figures.

Can you correct them?


Wang Wei

Your subscription fees are included in the monthly returns per NFA requirements. They will be a bigger percentage of a small account than a large account so the monthly % gain will get smaller after the rescale.

You beat me to the punch, Dennis.

Wang Wei: What Dennis says is correct. The percentages changed slightly because your monthly subscription price remained the same dollar amount, versus a smaller account size.


Indices emini change from 27% to 16.8%, it is not change slightly.

I don’t know how to calculate, but do you think subscription fee can explain that change?

The math is correct, Wang.