If a vendor chooses to use the "Pay Per Profitable Periods" business model, which "commission plan" does C2 use to determine if the period is profitable and charge the subscriber?
Commission plan is unrelated to C2 subscription model. You are still charged the same by Broker X, regardless of whether the system is pay-per-month, pay-only-if-profitable, etc.
I’m sorry I was not clear with my question.
Lets say I subscribe to a system that charges $100/month if profitable
After one month, lets say the system performed…
1) 5% gain with no commissions
2) 2% gain with Typical Broker Commission and AutoTrade Fees
3) 1% loss with OpenECry commissions and AutoTrade fees
4) 2% loss with OptionsXpress commissions and AutoTrade fees
5) 2% loss with MB Trading commissions and AutoTrade fees
My question is… Will I be charged $100 and How does C2 decide?
What we describe in the subscription form when people sign up for “pay-if-profitable” systems applies to this question. We simply measure C2 Hypothetical Performance – no commission, no fees, no nothing. If it’s profitable in the C2 Model Account and system equity is above the high-water mark (i.e. the equity of the system the last time customer was charged), subscriber is charged. Otherwise he is not.
Thank you Matthew