Hi there.
Firstly, I want to say thanks to you Matthew, and all of you at C2. Thanks for making this kind of interface available. WOW! Trading in the 21st century rocks!!
I have a question I want to put to you all out there… Which markets “generally” seem to be the more popular as far as subscribers/trading and system demands go? Is it the mini futures (YM, ES et al), is it forex, is it stocks and ETF’s, or is it the European markets, like the Eurostoxx and the Bund?
Another way I guess I could ask this question is this… Where are a majority of you from? Nth America, Europe, Asia?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I enjoy reading the forums, there are some good laughs and obviously some good information in there as well.
Over to you!
Cheers, WRB
Select any liquid market, and have good performance, and you’ll get subscribers. E-mini and Forex seems to be really popular, but there is a lot more.
From Alexa.com:
Collective2.com users come from these countries:
24.0% United States
20.6% Japan
8.8% Azerbaijan
8.0% Sweden
6.8% Canada
5.6% India
4.4% Italy
3.2% New Zealand
3.1% United Kingdom
1.8% Hungary
1.6% Australia
1.5% Germany
1.2% Egypt
1.0% Spain
0.8% Slovenia
0.6% France
7.1% OTHER
Hey Kevin, thanks for your reply.
This has helped a lot. Also it is great to see a break down of geographical locations. Thanks for that!
I mentioned to Matthew the other day about Aussie markets, but no reply. I am assuming C2 just covers the main markets here in Nth America, Asia and Europe. "If" Aussie markets were covered it would probably mean I would have to dust off TS 2000i. hehe.
Thanks very much
Regards, WRB
Hey Kevin, thanks for your reply.
This has helped a lot. Also it is great to see a break down of geographical locations. Thanks for that!
I mentioned to Matthew the other day about Aussie markets, but no reply. I am assuming C2 just covers the main markets here in Nth America, Asia and Europe. "If" Aussie markets were covered it would probably mean I would have to dust off TS 2000i. hehe.
Thanks very much
Regards, WRB
We have tentative plans to add non-US equities, but can’t commit to a timeline yet. I hope it’s something we can do in the medium-term future.
Wow, great news! Thanks…