Sydney Futures Exchange Contracts

I have contacted Collective Two on numerous occassions but receive no reply.

I have asked them to add SFE the Sydney Futures Exchange to the symbol list.

Specifically 90 Day Banks Bills IR

Three Year Bonds YT

Ten Year Bond XT

Share Price Index AP

They never respond anyone else had this problem of no response from Collective 2

Hi, Scott -

Sorry for the radio silence. Adding contracts from new exchanges can take a bit of time and effort. I’m in the middle of a major site redesign – and hope to have a public beta pretty soon. As soon as I have some free cycles – hopefully this week – I’ll see about adding those Sydney Futures Exchange contracts.

Thanks for your patience – Matthew

Tks Matthew,

What day will they be added?

Alas, I have done some research and neither our quote feed providers nor any of the brokers we work with support this exchange.

Is there any way you can find an equivalent (or similar) contract on one of the US or European exchanges?


All brokers have the SFE I am not sure what the problem could be all data vendors also support this exchange …


Have you had another chance to contact the brokers …