System Profitability & C2 Scores


What percentage of systems over 6 mopnths old listed on Collective 2 are profitable?

Secondly what percentage of System developers are given a C2 score above 900?



Not exactly sure about the first query. But doubtless the answer is “low.” We are an open platform, after all, and anyone can post a system on the site. The point of the site isn’t to screen people “on the way in” (i.e. it’s not like a nightclub, with a gel-haired bouncer scrutinizing people and deciding who to let through the velvet ropes). Rather, the point of the site is to provide easy and powerful tools for members that are searching for systems – tools which allow them to easily cut through the dreck and find the diamonds in the rough.

Your second question is easy. 10% of system vendors have a C2 score greater than 900. The score is a percentile ranking of vendors in the C2 universe.