Turning off email notifications?

How do I turn of the email notifications sent from my own system? I know it has to be somewhere…

Well… Do you really care about your signals? :wink: Emailing of signals to system vendor is good verification tool. Of course if you don’t care and you’re in mainland China, where you have to pay for internet traffic. Yeah, it’s a problem :wink:


MY C2 -> EDIT MY ACCOUNT -> (email settings)

Eu, you are an idiot. Why do I need an email verification when I already see it in 5 secs if the trade got executed?

Anyway, I have found it, it was on the left side. I was looking for it in the System Edit…Thanks Matt…

Eu, you are an idiot.

Sure. There are a lot of smart guys around, so I don’t want to stay in a line with the smart hmm… the smart ones.

Unfortunately, you weren’t so smart to find simple thing by disabling email notification from C2. And the guy call me an idiot lol


“Unfortunately, you weren’t so smart to find simple thing by disabling email notification from C2. And the guy call me an idiot lol” - Eu

Perhaps you’re confused again - I will attempt to clarify. He didn’t call you an idiot because of his inability to find the email settings… he called you an idiot because of your idiotic response.

It appears there are several people in this spool who forgot to take their Lithium today.

(sigh) Just bad day for me. However I had to bite myself instead of others.
