Vendors not notified when receiving Private Message

Hi Matthew,
I got complaints from vendors that they are not notified when a private message is sent to them. Can you please look into that.

Please have the vendors in question contact our help desk directly. They may have turned off this feature in their account, and without specifics I don’t know where to start.

I suggest that there should be pop-up notifications of private messages when visiting the site–as is standard on other sites.

`In the past, I eventually noticed a tiny not-very-obvious notification when I had a private message–such as when my latest “description” was rejected. Because of this, I purposely did not visit my “one system site” because then I might miss these notifications. However, that has become pointless. The past few months, I never see any notification–even when there is a rejection message. I have completely given up expecting notification. I just check for messages manually once every two months or so.

Hi Krystof:

Thanks for the good feedback. We’ll try to work on that soon. It looks like private-message notification broke in a recent (or perhaps not-so-recent) C2 update.


The PM notification is definitely still not working. Not only did I not receive an email but the mail icon at the top left of the menu banner does not “light up”. Unfortunately I forgot to check my PM for a few days (sorry Ed!).

Can you at least set up a “visual indicator” about a message waiting somewhere on the system page?

Also, I no longer see a check box to request a read receipt. Will I automatically get a receipt for the message that I just sent when it is read?

If not, how will I know if the user received the message? (I have had previous messaging problems with my non-IE browser where it looked like the message sent but the recipient never received it.)


Hi Chris - We’ll be pushing live new PM notification control later tonight.

Matthew – I noticed tonight that I haven’t gotten notifications going back to December (and as recently as last Thursday). I checked my spam filter there was nothing in there either, so I did not get a notification. Is this fixed?

I checked my settings and I am supposed to be getting them. Can you look into?


I have not been receiving notification of private messages either.

This is now fixed. - Matthew

Not that you need confirmation, but I got a notification today so it is indeed working.

Not working , just noticed by accident that i have a pm from a subscriber .

I also noticed that the vendor of Parcours Commodities did not respond to my private message which is unusual because in the past he always responded in a timely manner.

If i am online it seems its working and i get an instant notification . Not sure why yesterday i didn’t get one while i was offline .