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There is a substantial risk of loss in trading. You should therefore carefully consider
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understand, and consider the Risk Disclosure Statement that is provided by your broker
before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
That’s kinda weird. So looking at the autotrade data, two things are instantly noticeable . Three things.
1 Everyone is using IB, that’s one. After last week, maybe I should switch. I’m still perturbed at MB.
2 sure enough I don’t see any indication that the manager is autotrrading, but he must be to be ToS? He prefers to be anonymous in his own system trades? What’s up with that?
3 Some trades show NO autotrades taking place. None? How does that happen?
So I’m sure I must be misunderstanding whatever I just looked at. Pretty different though. What’s going on?
Adding one thing here… i’m not accusing. This could be C2, could be IB, or something else. I’m just wondering out loud.
Hi Karl, how are you able to see everyone’s personal auto trade data? I’m fairly new to c2, so I didn’t know you can see all my subscribers trading data.
All my fills are 100% what you see on c2, I don’t enter trades on c2 website. All my trades are enter thru IB then sync to c2. There not a single trade thats on c2 I didn’t trade in real life. There are a few trades that is in my brokerage acct but is not on c2. due to margin issue with c2. C2 has a different margin req than IB. Example with 25k IB acct, IB will allow me to purchase 2300 shares of XIV, c2 will only allow 1200 shares. When that happens. C2 will stop all my subscribes at 1200 shares. So when I bought 1200 shares of XIV, then I purchase 100 shares of Apple, c2 won’t allow that trade to sync with my subscribers. because c2 is already at max margin. That alert will never go out to my subscribers or be on c2 data.
Also I don’t know what you mean by Am I trading or omitting. I didn’t know that is possible with TOS account.
Here are all my trades from IB month of August. Should exactly the same as c2. Minus c2 sync issues. Like I said, I have this IB account opened just to sync with c2 nothing else. My personal brokerage is actually at thinkorswim and arca direct.
Thank u for disclosure your real IB statement, that’s explain a lot. I don’t want someone manage somebody else money while the developer is using simulation account. Btw, do you have any personal link or website regarding your strategy.
Hi rob, I will try to answer some of your questions.
I prefer all my subs go thru IB. I put that on my strategy description because IB is usually the only broker that allow retail investors to short UVXY and have daily inventory to short. Plus they allow options writing at 80% less margin requirement than all other brokers.
Yes. I autotrade 100% of my account. Look at my post above. It Shows all my trade in August. Exactly the same as c2, it also show the slippages in comparison to my subscribers. Why do I trade anonymous? Let me tell you how I was first introduced to c2. My friends refer me to c2 because they want me to manage their brokerage acct, but that is something I’m NOT allow to do from my real job. But with c2 I’m able to do that anonymously. then the strategy kinda just took off from there. So I hope you can understand my circumstance to remain anonymous.
At early stage of c2. I’m wasn’t a fan of autotrade feature. We were having issues with partial fill and sync. Subs were getting miss alert or duplicated trades were issue then removed 2 mins later. For a couple months I actually recommended my subs to manually trade instead of autotrade. But Matt and other c2 employees were extremely helpful. Every issue and concerns we had, they were able to fix. they made changes to their codes and platform to make things work for my subs and my strategy. So now we are not having any issue with auto trading. Over time, my subs regain their trust and start to use autotrade again.
Hi Sam, I do not have a website or a link. Because it was never my intention to come to c2 to make a living. I been sharing my trade for free on Twitter since 2009. After learning about c2 and recommendation of friends. I decided to stop giving away trades on Twitter. I know it sounds like I’m selling out, but I do give all my Twitter follower a discount on c2 if they wish to continue following me here.
I believe many people in here do not trade options because of complexity. My questions, if IB do not authorized for subscribers to do options in this strategy, which strategy do you prefer for the new comer? Stay in this strategy but choose stocks only ( vix) or go to your scd strategy ( simple Vix ) ? I saw your all trades in this strategy, the most contribution of your profit comes from your Vix trade.
Another questions, let say IB authorize for new comer to do both Vix n options, what do recommend? Jump right away to your open trades or wait until a new open trade. Thanks
Hi VixTrader and thank you for your reply which I just saw now.
When you go to your system page on C2 you will see on the upper right corner the TOS icon and when you click on that you will get the information which in the meantime Surprise has provided above and which shows that you followed only 82.2%of your signals in your own account - this is the reason my question came up.
When you go further down the page, above Trading Record, there is another small red icon with an explanation box which has the line “Show Auto Trade data”. When you click on it you will see all the trades of your auto trade subscribers but the names are not revealed unless an auto trader decides to reveal his name by clicking on the line “Reveal your Name” which only shows up on the subscriber’s page when he goes to your C2 page. Since I assume that you are trading the system from your IB account - and I must add here that I am not a developer or vendor and are not exactly sure how the syncing and TOS system works - you should see your trade when you go thru all auto trade data somewhere with the line on the right hand side saying “Reveal your Name” and when you click on it then everyone going to your C2 system page will see your trade and the fills you got. At least this is my understanding - anybody feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Maybe there are some other issues involved that C2 shows that you only followed 82.2% of your trades, I don’t know. I hope I brought some clarity to my initial post.
I can give you March thru August statement. Every trade it will sync up to every trade on c2 except for trades that aren’t allow on c2 due to c2 margin or trades with sync issue.
those are my funds. What I meant is I can’t manage funds thru IB friends & family link program. Because IB doesn’t allow you to manage any others peoples account being anonymous. But with c2, they can just subscribe and able to mirror my trades.
I opened this new IB account with 100k just for c2.
Hi Sam, if you do not wish to trade option. Are you ok or able to short uvxy/tvix/vxx. If you do/can I will go with Volatility trader, just check off option box. If you are not able to short uvxy/tvix/vxx then I would go with simple VIX trade. I started that strategy after some subs telling me their brokerage are not allow to short uvxy/tvix. And it’s a strictly long VIX etf only.
Volatilitytrader trades everything high risk and high volatility. I recommend start fresh around Monday or Tuesday. Thats when we write most of our options and open new positions.
Hi Karl, I do see the 82.2% on my TOS badge. I didn’t really care for it until reading this post. And I did email Matt and help staff. Maybe they can provide a better explanation.
The only thing I can think of is that the badge said TOS certified on 4/15/16. But it was linked to IB since 3/8/16. So all those trade were not counted, roughly about missing 100ish trades not under TOS? But here is all the trade in IB matching all the trades on c2 records… Here are those trades below, since the skeptics continues.
Once I get an answer from Matt or his staff. I will post their reply here.
No need to keep posting some of your IB statements no one have the time to compare and verify every single entry , the TOS badge clearly states that you only followed 82% of your own signals that’s a fact .
Whether you only followed 82% of your own signals in your own live account or you only published 82% of your own live account trades here in C2 its the same problem . Well it is not really a problem but if it is true then it either means that your IB account doesn’t mimic your C2 account or your C2 account doesn’t mimic your IB live account .
You are absolutely right. And thank you for bring that to my attention. I don’t know how in anyway this could be possible. Hopefully Matt and he’s staff can figure it out.
Yes. I will stop posting screen shots. I just figure you had the time. Since you created this account and all 13 posts you ever made was about my strategy, this post and other posts. but I do appreciate your time and voicing your concerns.