Watch out for the scams

C2 is losing credibility, when developers are able to game the system, by buying on the bid and selling on the ask immediately to show a gain.

Anyone can create a new email and start a new system under another name, how about blocking IP, and tracking billing info.


Do you think subscribers who pay money “Diamond” are stupid?:roll_eyes:
Do not protect them! Everyone goes through the lessons.
Trading and investing, requires a person to be very attentive.

Are you offended by something? I see you also created a strategy with VIX. But, no one appreciated your work. You have no subscribers. And now you are jealous of “Diamond” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The way I see it, there are really 3 main issues that keep coming up over and over again, and that have fairly easy solutions, but that C2 hasn’t addressed for whatever reason.

#1 – Gaming the bid/ask spread – simple solution – if the strategy has no subscribers, wait for the price to trade THROUGH the spread before logging the trade.

#2 – There is no easy way to see how much risk was actually taken to achieve the posted returns – fairly simple solution – do a “Stress Test” like Interactive Brokers does, calculating what a simulated one day 10/20/30% drop in the stock market would do to the strategy, display the current score and the historical score. It’s giving subscribers a hugely important tool to help them make informed decisions.

#3 – People crashing and coming back with a new identity and “clean slate” – moderate solution – verify system owners’ identities like cryptocurrency exchanges do, and if people return, make them carry on their old accounts.

I understand from a business perspective why C2 doesn’t do #3….but #1 and #2 would add so much more credibility to C2 and the strategies it hosts – I don’t understand why something like that hasn’t been done.

Well, at least that’s the way I see it. :blush:


David, as in the past, some of the best suggestions come from you.
Matthew, are you listening?

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Each subscriber has their own sniff test, Collective2 has allowed subscribers the freedom to devise their own sniff test for a long time, based on many numbers provided by Collective2.

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Yes. No question. Its obvious he was gaming the system with his VIX and e-mini scalps. They are stupid for not seeing this.

True, everyone has to learn. But since we can see it we are just trying to help people not lose money, and keep scammers like this from making money. What’s wrong with that?

Not offended at all. Just calling out con-artists. My early VIX systems (2012-2014) had no subscribers, they didn’t work. They also didn’t game the system and cheat by gaming bid/ask spreads with fake money. Last one was closed down in 2014 with 2 trades still open (but I’m sure you didn’t actually read the description, too much work for you). I also guess you don’t understand what I’m talking about so we’ll just leave it at that.

My Forex strategy did have subscribers (you know, where it says “546 trades in real-life brokerage accounts”), but I found scalping on C2 to be way too difficult as I wasn’t getting good execution and trading errors so I closed it with >40% gain. Scammers like these would have kept it going and fleeced investors as long as they could.

Do your homework CJ. :exploding_head:


@_J these are all very good ideas. Seemingly simple to execute as well.

Not sure why C2 has not done any of this. Maybe it’s more profitable for them to allow it to just keep happening? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The average sub might not even know what ask/bid is, all they see is a nice looking chart and % gain.


Thats the problem. Most investors in here, they do not have any knowledge about trading. They only see from chart and some of them, may observe from history of the trades. Unfortunately, they do not know when the developer trade in 1 minutes (in and out ), 99,99% never work at C2. The developer makes profit through this trade ( paper money ) and subscribers lost real money. It is time for subscribers to consider real / license financial advisor if C2 can not address this issue and solutions.


I do agree that most investors/subs don’t know anything about trading thats why they can get fooled easily here in C2.

C2 unfortunately are not knowledgeable in trading themselves but they should hire someone to quality assure the products they are promoting.


I wrote in support of c2, to remove questionable trades, it is not possible under US law
I suggest leaving only futures trading ES :sunglasses:
The big danger is the martingale and gambling systems

as you think a fat troll, I will do in April +$2500 ?

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Since when is a CTA not knowledgeable in trading?

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I’m sure you did. lol. Why not just open a new system without all your BS trades? nah, too much trouble…
Will you “do in April +$2500”? I don’t know what that means. But you’re $2555 away w/ 19 days left! Better get trading!

Good luck comrade!

Can you name a CTA that actually is a good trader? Please provide me with a name and I will have him manage my account…lol

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CTA only means that they are knowledgeable in trading (hence the title commodity trading advisor) BUT MAY NOT mean that actually are GOOD traders. I emphasize the words MAY NOT.

Don’t get me wrong…there are probably SOME CTA’s that are good at trading BUT a license does NOT mean they are.


“C2 unfortunately are not knowledgeable in trading themselves” Your words…
“CTA only means that they are knowledgeable in trading” Again, your words…

i Agree C2 is not knowledgeable in trading and CTA knowledgeable does not translate into being good traders…lol

Anyways, if you find a good CTA thats good for you…I am still searching…lol