I’ve noted that many systems have subscribers and “Commentaries”. But where does one find the commentaries?
C2 could be much improved if the Forum included a general ‘chat’ area. If there is one, I haven’t found it. And it could be much clearer how and where a user can access comments and commentaries.
It’s the My Analyst Page … under MY C2 (look at menu bar on left side).
I don’t understand. When clicking on names that supposedly have made comments, the comments or commentaries do not show. And when going to “My Analyst Page” from my page, I see links to “Most Interesting Notes”, and “Latest Notes”, and “All”.
However, “Latest Notes” is a list of names, but clicking on them does not take me to any comments on commentaries.
Further, what is a commentary? Are these comments made by subscribers or developers?
Very unclear on all of this, and I’d appreciate a more detailed explanation. If someone writes something about my system, or another system in which I am interested, I would like to be able to locate it.
I don’t understand your problem. Everything works fine here.
It works like this: If you are on the page of a system, then on the top of the page you see a white & blue button “Add to My Analyst”. Suppose you click on this. In the menu on the left side you see a link “My Analyst Page”. If you click on this, you will see your My Analyst Page with on it the system that you have just added. Next, you can write your opinion about the system in the textbox near it. Don’t forget to click on “Save changes” after you’ve finished writing.
On your My Analyst Page, next to the system, you will also see a list of who else has added this system to his or her My Analyst Page. You can go the My Analyst Page of that person by clicking on the name. However, even if the person has added the system to his page, he may not have written a comment for it. I believe that it is indicated by a bullet before the name whether the person has written a comment.
I just tried it a few times again, and it worked fine, except that one time that person did not have the system on his My Analyst Page. I suppose that the links are not updated every second.
In the Last Notes link, clicking on a name brings me to the My Analyst page of that person. In the cases that I tried, these persons had comments about the system, but I can imagine that a person can also be listed on this page if he actually deleted a comment.
" If someone writes something about my system, or another system in which I am interested, I would like to be able to locate it. "
Go to your system page, look for the text "Crowd Opinion", follow the blue hyperlinks (currently 2 and 1)
>Tracked by 2 My Analyst pages
>With commentary: 1