$250 a month! A trading is passion. I love trading

Wooooow, it is a must see to beieve. You can’t be wrong for your monthly payments. While all my results are hypotheticals. I encourage you to copy my trades and see how you can benefits from my experience. You trade at your own risks, but my goal is to stay in business.
My user name is wugot
and my collective link can be found here at www.copybauviltrades.com

Great start
But but u can’t find many subscribers when your record in less then month

I see only now after 5 months of record the fruits of my system crazy options.

Second advise - when your subscription fee is so high don’t expect many followers and sometimes it’s better to start with modest fee - gain loyalty and then update the price.

You should remember that some of your rivals have better records with less fee.
Like this crazy system

Thanks for your comment.
I trade for living mostly. I welcome always extra money from copy trades, but in fact, if someone does not wnat to pay $250 a month to make any unlimited amount.
I am looking for a trader as well to follow his or her account, but I do not see any.
Always big draw down which is very scary.
You often need big account to trade with, at least $20000
Many losses: that can blow my account
Show me one great or better traders than wugot so I can follow myself or I will show you the week point.
Poor win ratio.
I agree with you that 1 month is not enough since I did not trade on collective before, but I have another trade copy service, which is public that you can see my 40 weeks trades. Go to zulu and look up wbateam.

Thanks for your advice anyway.

The link that you post above is scary to watch the history. Losing 42% in a month, most people would have money to continue.
Losses of such amount $10000. Woooow.
Be careful with people money.

Thanks for your comment.

11/28/15 9:01 BUY 1,000 DDD 3D SYSTEMS 9.00 11/30 9:38 9.10 0.48% $80
11/27/15 12:30 BUY 20 GMCR1527K51 GMCR Nov27’15 51 call 0.11 11/28 9:04 0.00 1.05% ($239)
11/27/15 11:45 BUY 10 DDD1527K9 DDD Nov27’15 9 call 0.05 11/28 9:01 0.00 0.24% ($60)
11/24/15 12:33 BUY 20 PCLN1527K1300 PCLN Nov27’15 1300 call 0.10 11/24 14:32 0.34 n/a $437
11/9/15 11:35 BUY 22 SPY1513K210 SPY Nov13’15 210 call 0.38 11/14 9:00 0.17 2.16% ($481)
11/9/15 10:48 BUY 15 PCLN1513K1370 PCLN Nov13’15 1370 call 4.62 11/14 9:00 0.00 33.34% ($6,948)
11/9/15 11:40 BUY 10 WYNN1513K67 WYNN Nov13’15 67 call 2.04 11/14 9:00 1.39 3.91% ($670)
11/12/15 13:46 BUY 30 SPY1513K206 SPY Nov13’15 206 call 0.81 11/14 9:00 0.00 11.73% ($2,469)
11/2/15 15:34 BUY 10 BIDU1506W180 BIDU Nov6’15 180 put 0.22 11/7 9:00 0.00 0.71% ($230)
11/6/15 11:11 BUY 45 PCLN1506K1445 PCLN Nov6’15 1445 call 1.61 11/6 13:27 1.03 17.57% ($2,716)
11/6/15 10:32 BUY 53 SPY1506K209 SPY Nov6’15 209 call 0.66 11/6 13:15 0.68 2.47% $23
10/30/15 13:21 BUY 20 VRX1530J100 VRX Oct30’15 100 call 0.85 10/31 9:00 0.00 4.97% ($1,717)
10/28/15 13:20 BUY 80 WBA1530J90 WBA Oct30’15 90 call 0.18 10/31 9:00 0.00 4.21% ($1,516)