A very simple VIX strategy

Backtest result:
103.62% annual return int the past one year.
maximum DD% 24.46%

The strategy: buy on morning open sell on afternoon close

Maybe a better plan:
VIXTrader Pro 145% annual, 13% DD, makes $ up AND down. Ready to jump into VXX at a moments notice. Worst month 3% loss.

That is true! Robert, can you roughly explain how your strategy (vix trader professional) works?

VIX Tactical Trader ( Luiz ) is another strategy that has a year under their belt, 100% annual & minimal DD ( 12% ) he no longer “shorts”, so you can trade it in your IRA. He is VERY active in his strategy. Planning ahead with daily stops & ready to buy VXX when he DOES get stopped out of XIV. I think the strategies that can & do go back-and-forth from XIV & VXX on a daily basis are going to have the lowest DD’s when the market finally DOES turn.

If I will tell you the secret, I will have to… you :slight_smile:

Seriously, MM and RM are the major parts of the strategy… Basically, what I do is to manage the risk…The profits are coming automatically…

I successed to take the same idea and developed a strategy for the symbol SSO (SPY X2) with great performance and DD less than 10%… I start it in C2… The strategy is in a middle of a trade so I am waiting to new signal…

Also I prepared a VIX strategy for subscribers with small/medium amount of money for investment which are also able to trade the strategy manually (VIXTrader and VIXTrader Professional needs autotrade…)…

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Good job! Keep it up.

I just published a strategy on FOREX trading only. Let’s see if I can beat you after one year.:joy:

BTW, I am backtesting a couple of strategies on volatility. It will be published soon.

I wish you will do a great work to your subscribers!

Thanks Robert. :joy:

Looking forward to watching SP500Trader. Is the system set up to trade in the same way that you trade VTP? Please start an introduction thread when you are ready & add a “description” to the systems home page. Thanx Robert!!

I checked already this idea 4-5 years ago and after commissions and slippages you will make a little compared to your great risk…

Strategies should work in the real world and back testing give you only the first stage to reach this target… Basically, I see the back testing only as a sign if I am in the right direction or not…

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As soon as a new signal will be generated, I will describe the idea

Basically, performance of 30-50 percent annually and DD less than 10 percent will not be a surprise…

This is pretty much true!
When I do the back test, the biggest challenge for me is how to make the trading respond to a signal as quick as possible. This makes huge huge difference.