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before you consider trading. Most people who trade lose money.
The challenge I faced during developing the strategy for S&P500 is to find the best time to enter the trade…Not the best price but the best time…
I found out that my current system for the VIX can give me the answer which is quite simple: I should trade when the investors are optimistics and get out when they are pessimistic… Simple as that… From this point the development was much faster…
I like this strategy very much because it is suitable for almost any investor and can be applied in almost any account size…
I like also the idea to split the funds between different strategies in order to reduce the DD as much as possible which is, from my opinion, this is the well known secret which anybody should adopt to achieve good performance…
We all know VIX is highly related with S&P500, if you are using the algorithm from your VIX strategy, will this S&P500 strategy have the same risk with your VIX strategy?