Amount of orders ind strategies are now limit?

Is this a error? One strategy let me have 40 open stopp and limit-orders. The other one 50. Why didn´t you inform people about the change in systemsbehavior. My systems telee me whart to do. If this limitation still exists, than I have to switch off something.

Hi, Thomas:

We’ve been experiencing some load problems with systems that have hundreds of working orders simultaneously. To make sure the site functions well for all users, we imposed a cap on the number of working stop and limit orders last night.

The cap for working stop and limit orders is currently 50 per strategy. (It was briefly 40 last night, but we raised it to 50 this morning.)

We’re working on raising the cap in the next few days, to a higher number, but we need to provision some new hardware to support this higher cap. I’ll post here when the cap is raised.

Finally, I am sorry I did not communicate this better. I actually tried to reach out to people affected by this new limit and contact them personally - but perhaps your system did not have the maximum number of working orders at the time I searched our database for affected systems. In retrospect, I should have posted publicly when the cap was imposed. I am sorry.

I will post here publicly when we raise the cap from 50 to some higher number. Hopefully it will be early next week.


You should have it in affect, for NEW orders with stocks, nut long or short. But if you add the existing, than therer are some problems.

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My strategy relies on having hundreds of open orders - and i was getting ‘error - too many orders’ msg since y’day - however - haven’t had any communication from collective2 about this. As an aside, if a cap on orders is going to be a permanent policy, then might as well stop running a particular type of strategy…

Okay - we’ve raised the per-system cap to 200 distinct stock symbols per trading system. (Notice this is no longer a cap on the number of working limit/stop orders, but rather, the number of distinct symbols within your working limit or stop orders. In other words, if you place 5 limit orders for AAPL at different prices, this counts as just one symbol out of 200.)

We’ve also raised the symbol cap for option symbols to 70 per trading system.

Hopefully these new, much higher caps will allow everyone to trade using the style he or she likes while also making sure that site resources are distributed evenly across all C2 Members.

Please let me know if you have further feedback, complaints, and suggestions about this.

This was handled pretty badly at first, so I apologize for the ham-fisted approach.
