Apd column in the grid, what does it stand for?

what does the apd column stand for in The Grid?

average performance day as well as other guesses do not apply b/c the math does not work out. is this a case of the site not being updated all at once or me not knowing the acronym?

If you go to the old site, pick any system and bring up its details, and in the statistics column on the right hand side, you’ll see APD ratio, with a ? mark right by it. Hover mouse over ? mark and you’ll get a full description of what it means.

It is not an industry standard metric, has been the subject of intense debate here over the years, and sometimes works very well at rooting out bad systems, and sometimes not.

Like any performance statistic, it should be used in combination with other stats, not just by itself.


it measures the sum of all individual trade profits divided by the sum of all trade maximum drawdowns. It shows how much risk a vendor undergoes to achieve profit.