AutoTrade - Open Position Screen Problem


None of my open positions are showing up on my AutoTrade Open Position screen. Anyone else having this issue?


Not only is my Open Positions window showing incorrect results but several trades are happening in my Gen3 IB account which should not.

I have emailed to Matthew and Francis - I am wondering if anybody is monitoring the system, even though it is Sunday many futures market are open.

Somebody should check the system and read emails and forum posts when markets are open.

Open positions were messed up for me too. Open position from one system was showing up in a different system. There was also a bunch of wrong Sync orders as a result :frowning:

I was given an explanation from Francis that “An IB update that went bad so we’re currently offline while we revert.”.

I don’t know what will happen when auto-trading with IB goes back online, but I took a beating on the erroneous trades tonight, so I’m very nervous and don’t know what to expect when we go back online. Not a very pleasant feeling!!!