Autotrading & Forex

If you are a vendor of a forex system setup for Bulldog autotrading, and wonder why you are not getting much $$$ from subscribers

Some of us trade futures only. We don’t like the prospect of forex brokers that constantly go under, possibly taking our money with us. Futures trading money is safe & segregated. Thus:

Try also offering your system via currency futures and/or currency futures pairs. These can also be C2 auto-traded

Some of us who might trade your system, don’t want to swap brokers. Forcing people to go to BullDog a “who he?” instead of our existing broker, such as an IB or MB, is not on their agenda. Not to mention the extra autotrading cost. Thus:

Also offer manual subscriptions, if you want our money.

But if you like making minimal $$$ from subscriptions, then don’t do these things.

I would welcome the opportunity for fx futures. What kind of lot sizes are we generally talking about?

Go to:

and click on the individual currencies to see specs. As a rough ballpark, one CME currency contract is worth around $100K USD (eg. 62,500 GPB, 12,500,000 JPY, etc.), or roughly one regular lot. There are also mini currency contracts available I believe.