Bad pricing with held position (price shows as $0)

Can’t be any more frustrated with C2…for the 3rd time in 5 weeks C2 reported a massive drawdown in C2Star candidate system ‘Move’ because they got a bad price and assumed my position (LEVI this time but S&P 500 positions the other 2 times) went to $0. Seems pretty simple that if you get a price of $0 for a position you should assume it is an error and not that a position went from $30 to $0 in one tick. But C2 doesn’t assume this and updates your system with a huge drawdown.

Can you imagine checking your E*Trade or IB account and see it is down $10K or more because they got a bad price from one of your positions you held…well it wouldn’t happen but on C2 it is a definite possibility.

Don’t worry, C2 will manually update it for you soon.
Drawdowns, profit/loss results and charts are slow to update, it may time 48 hours or more to see the correct data (my own system has still not been updated).