Can anyone explain those figures?

My system PanosATS E mini SP NQ suffered a loss during the past couple of weeks.
Two days ago I decided to rescale from the initial 25K acct to 12.5K.And…this is when it all happened.
Despite my repeated notices, C2 fails to correct the performance figures which show incorrectly, insisting that everything is OK.
So, I had losses-OK.
BUT, the losses I realised to the 25K account seem to be booked IN FULL to the new (rescaled) 12.5K acct.
So, starting with 12.5K and currently standing just below 9K, is it down 62%?
Did I ever go below 3.7K, so that a 78% DD would be justified?

Somebody pls explain how this works, as C2 never gives a detailed answer.

To quote Matthew Klein: "Ah, Strategy Rescaling - the conversation that never ends."

Please use the search feature with the search term rescale. You will find, among others, this discussion of rescaling in which the original poster suggests that “rescaling” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Milda - Sorry about that. The older stats were still cached (they would have refreshed automatically over the next day, but I agree we need to make them update immediately upon a system rescale).

I went ahead and refreshed the stats using the latest numbers. I think things now look more along the lines of what you expect.
