Let’s say I want to auto-trade a system, but the developer wants to trade 3 different markets, and I only want to trade 1 future type contract, is that possible to screen out the other orders?
We don’t currently support that. Right now, when you elect to AutoTrade, you will trade all the contracts traded by the Model Account (assuming your broker/brokerage account supports them).
When using Trader68 it is possible to enable and disable autotrading of individual contracts. For example, if the system trades wheat, corn and soybeans and you want to "take" only the soybean trades, you can easily (two mouse clicks) disable trading of the other two contracts, leaving you with a "soybeans only" system. C2 will transmit all system trades, but Trader68 will disregard those for contracts for which autotrading is not enabled.
Old Goat,
It seems like you are using Trader68.
Can you please tell me if you are also subscribing to their Private Trading Server and if so what you experience with it is.
Any comments from other subscribers to that feature would be greatly appreciated.
I have no experience with T68’s private trading server, but like you would like to hear from others as to its security, reliability and performance.