Autotrading only one futures contract

Hi All,

A subscriber wants to know whether it is possible to autotrade only the @ES contract in my system which trades almost all of the futures contracts. In other words, he wants to autotrade just the @ES contract and ignore all other symbols (and trades) made by the system. Is this possible?


This is not currently possible using Gen3 AutoTrade. You can only specify the instrument class (futures, stocks, options, forex) and/or trade sizes. You cannot filter by symbol currently.

It may not be possible from the Collective2 side, but with Trader68 as long as the user knows what assets are being traded beforehand they can disable autotrading on any asset they like. Since assets are handled from the instrument level (i.e. @ES) when a new contract month comes up the disabled assets will still remain disabled. Making it possible to only trade a single asset from a Collective2 system.

Steve @ Trader68 Support

Wonderful. Thanks. Does Trader68 work with MB Trading broker?


Hello Pal,

Trader68 only supports Interactive Brokers at this time. We hope to add more brokers in the future.

Steve @ Trader68 Support

Ok, Thanks. IB is a good broker. It shouldn’t be difficult to switch brokers.


Thanks. I hope this feature would be made available in the near future. Gen3 seems to be more flexible when it comes to brokers (except IB).
